When it comes to grant writing,

experience matters.

Over $347 million in federal funding won for Tn clients as of 01/2025


Over $347 million in federal funding won for Tn clients as of 01/2025 〰️

For your next federal research grant proposal (NIH, NSF, DoD, PCORI, RADx),

we are the knowledgeable experts you need to maximize your chances of funding.

Our Services

  • Coaching or Primary Writing Services

    This premier service is customized for each client’s unique needs. It may involve Tn consultants leading the bulk of the writing effort, complete with detailed project management services, regular calls, the de novo creation of proposal sections, and even hands-on submission. Or, for PIs who prefer to do their own writing, our one-on-one coaching service provides that additional level of support, with project management, continual feedback on iterative drafts, and strategic guidance through every step of the process.

    Since services are customized to each specific project, pay only for the support you need at that time.

    Coaching or primary writing projects are best initiated at least 3-4 months prior to a submission due date for a new client.

  • Grantsmanship Review

    Perhaps you have a proposal nearly done, but are looking for that external feedback and strategic insight that will help to push your score to the next level. Then you’re looking for a grantsmanship review.

    This one-time, static service provides a comprehensive look at a near-final draft of your proposal by experts who are extremely familiar with your targeted funder and research program. Your reviewer will provide critical insights and suggestions to: (1) help identify lingering gaps or potential non-compliance issues that would affect review; (2) offer suggestions for strengthening your narrative in alignment with major and program-specific review criteria; (3) ensure the proposal will maximally resonate with study section reviewers or agency personnel; and (4) suggest enhancements to your ancillary attachments to emphasize the strongest points of your major narrative.

    Grantsmanship reviews are best completed >1 month prior to a submission due date.

  • Professional Editing, Formatting & Polishing

    Often done in conjunction with a grantsmanship review, our professional editors can ensure your grant proposal is easy to read, free of errors, beautifully formatted, and in alignment with all grant submission guidelines for your targeted funder.

    Our editors are well-trained in the AMA style (the default for most federal funders) and also have a PhD-level scientific background to help disentangle particularly complex jargon or methodology in a scientifically-accurate manner.

    Editing services are best performed at least 2 weeks prior to a submission due date.

  • Add-on Grant Strategic Consulting Services

    Whether you are brand new to the federal grants arena, or are looking to enhance your existing portfolio, the experts at Tn Consulting can help to identify new funding opportunities, explore new federal agencies or programs as potential new funders for your desired research, and maximize the timing of your submission matrix to ensure optimized success over the long run.

    We also offer one-on-one, deep-dive consultations to brainstorm evolving concepts or envisioned future research, and help to prioritize, shape, and focus them into an appropriately targeted federal research grant proposal.

    Strategic consultations can be arranged at any time and provide you with a grants submission calendar, with prioritized targets and ongoing updates (if available) as new opportunities are released.

  • Trainings & Development

    For our institutional or higher-educational clients looking to supplement their internal grants support efforts, Tn Consulting provides virtual training and cohort development services that can help raise the competitiveness of an entire cohort or group of faculty. We generate and provide customized webinars, sometimes coupled with longer writing workshops or one-on-one consulting for cohort members. Topics range from the most basic principles of grantsmanship and strategic award-seeking tips and tricks, to an “introduction” to a federal funder and its grant-making programs, all the way up to a half-day workshop focused solely on a specific funding opportunity, like the NSF Early CAREERs or NIH MIRA (R35) solicitations. Our goal is to build an individualized training program that meets your institution’s and faculty’s specific needs, and can be recorded and securely shared internally to benefit all future cohorts and faculty, as well.

    Trainings can be developed at any point in the year, and cohort development programs are best planned for at least 4 months prior to a targeted due date. Interested? Reach out to start a conversation and see how we might help.ere

Our Team

Our Expertise

What Our Clients Are Saying

  • “Tn Consulting helps to see the big pictures and details of every project, thinking ahead in the process to prevent issues or duplication of effort. When working on NIH grants, they can bring their background as scientists to relate to PIs, but are also able to discuss the project in non-technical and accessible language to engage the entire team.”

    Joon Young Lee, Managing Director, Thorn Run Partners

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